The new bell
Someone's pump organ in Edmunds Recital Hall
This is where I played my senior recital!
The new Science Building
The old part of the Science building
though it was blocked by a couple trees.
Belk Hall- I lived here my senior year
Grotnes Hall- I lived here my junior year
I lived here my freshmen and sophmore years
At the stadium
The new stadium (well five years old new, anyway)

Oh, to hear the sound of a bagpipe!
Right after the first kickoff!

Final score-- PC:20, VMI:31
William Palmer Jacobs- The Founder of PC

In front of my Alma Mater
The new and improved Whiteford's
The old Whiteford's
M.S. Bailey- this is where I student taught

This year marked my 15th graduation anniversary from PC. While the weather didn't look too promising at first; it cleared up for the afternoon game. Unfortunately, I didn't see as many people as I had hoped and VMI ( Virginia Military Institute) beat PC 31 to 20, but it was a good game as well as a fun day! I stopped by Whiteford's for one of their famous milkshakes and by the school (M.S. Bailey Elementary) where I student taught. Had not been by the school in 15 years, had not changed a bit!