Friday, December 30, 2011

On the eve of my fortieth birthday...

I 'm really looking forward to what being in the forties will bring. Sure there will be trials and tribulations, but I know there will be lots of joys as well. This afternoon I realized that I am approaching my third decade of being an adult and took a trip down memory lane.

The first decade of adulthood was the Twenties which brought:

  • college graduation

  • the purchase of a new car

  • learning how to live on my own

  • becoming a teacher

  • the beginning of my Faith Alive journeys

  • Making my Cursillo weekend

  • Travelling to England and Scotland (thus visiting several places while in both countries as well as singing at Temple Chapel in downtown London and Westminister Abbey , taking a boat ride on the the Thames River in London, and climbing to the top o St Paul's Cathdral in London)

The second decade of adulthood was the Thirties which brought:

  • the purchase of another new car

  • my installation into the Daughters of the King

  • being appointed to serve on the Secretariat for Cursillo

  • being nominated and elected as a Cursillo rector

  • being appointed to serve on the DOK diocesan board (3 different times, I will begin my third term this fall)

  • breaking a bone (my foot) for the first and last time of my life ( I hope)

  • playing and directing a choir at two different churches in our diocese

  • becoming a Stephen Minister

  • moving to one of my favorite places- Bluffton, SC

  • getting to do lots of fun things in Bluffton and Savannah

  • serving on several Cursillo teams

The third decade which is the Forties: hmmmm looking forward to what this decade will bring. One of my college roommates has already assured me that is fabulous being forty. If that's the case, bring on the FABULUOUSNESS!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

My New Printer

Here she is-- my new printer. Never had a Epson before, but she's a keeper. Very handy with the touch screen, slide show and power point options as well as hooking up to a wireless network. There are some other features that I'm not remembering right now, but will use here and there when necessary. Had to retire my Dell because it completely died; although it had begun to act up a while back anyway.


A couple of pictures of some historic house at the Bluffton Oyster Factory.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Classroom 2011

I Had No Idea

that boxes could be so entertaining for a cat!

Springtime in the Low Country

Charleston - James Island
Bluffton, The Church of the Cross (inside)

The Church of the Cross (outside)

On the Bluff at The Church of the Cross, Bluffton

At City Market- Savannah, Georgia

Fun Kitties

Hangin' Out

Merry Christmas from Bluffton and Hilton Head

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Santa's Prayer on Christmas Eve

Santa's Prayer on Christmas Eve

I found this on another blog. Hope you enjoy it as you prepare . . .

The sleigh was all packed, the reindeer were fed,
But Santa still knelt by the side of the bed.
"Dear Father," he prayed, "Be with me tonight.
There's much work to do and my schedule is tight.
I must jump in my sleigh and streak through the sky,
Knowing full well that a reindeer can't fly.
I will visit each household before the first light,
I'll cover the world and all in one night.
With sleighbells a-ringing, I'll land on each roof,
Amid the soft clatter of each little hoof.
To get in the house is the difficult part,
So I'll slide down the chimney of each child's heart.
My sack will hold toys to grant all their wishes.
The supply will be endless like the loaves and the fishes.
I will fill all the stockings and not leave a track.
I'll eat every cookie that is left for my snack.
I can do all these things Lord, only through You,
I just need your blessing, then it's easy to do.
All this is to honor the birth of the One,
That was sent to redeem us, Your most Holy Son.
So to all my friends, least Your glory I rob,
Please Lord, remind them who gave me this job."
- Warren D. Jennings
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Southern Ten Commandments.


This is much easier to remember!!! 1)Just one God. 2) Put nothin' before God. 3) Watch yer mouth. 4) Git yourself to Sunday meetin'. 5) Honor yer Ma & Pa. 6) No killin'. 7) No foolin' around with another feller's gal (or 'nother gal's feller). 8) Don't take what ain't yorn. 9) No tellin' tales or gossipin'. 10) Don't be hankerin' for yer buddy's stuff. Now that's plain an' simple. And bless your little cotton pickin heart...♥ Enjoy. Hee Hee

Friday, July 29, 2011

Greek Taboule Salad

1 package NEAR EAST Taboule Wheat Salad
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 large tomato, chopped
2 tablespoons lemon juice (I use fresh lemon)
1 cup (4 ounces)crumbled feta cheese
3/4 cup peeled, seeded and chopped cucumber
1/4 chopped fresh basil
Romaine lettuce leaves
Lemon wedges

1. Prepare the taboule as the package directs, except stir in cheese, cucmber, tomate, and basil during Step 2.

2. Serve on bed of lettuce with lemon wedges.

* I didn't use basil, lettuce, or lemon wedges, but the salad still turned out well and is really good and filling. A very healthy, inexpensive meal and maybe served again this week. Also something easy to make and have for lunch. I see a few packages of this grain in my cabinet in the near future. May go look for this tomorrow at Fresh Market.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Chocolate Chip Dip

Chocolate Chip Dip

8 oz. cream cheese, softened (I used 1/3 less fat.)
1 stick butter, softened (You could try margarine.)
1/2 tsp. vanilla
2 tB. brown sugar
1/2 cup powdered sugar
6 oz. mini chocolate chips

Beat the cream cheese and butter until fluffy. Add the remaining ingredients except the chips and beat until blended. Stir in the chips. Serve with graham crackers or strawberries (my favorite), or use as cannoli filling.

I have most of these ingredients, you may too. May try this in the near future.

Something to hang on to

Now that I'm back, you'll probably have several posts in the next couple days or maybe hours as I'm on my roll to share. While I have enjoyed the summer (still am), I have learned some lessons about patience, giving, having faith, and trusting. Very. Valuable. Lessons. As a teacher, I always look forward to the summer because that is the time I can do what I want in most circumstances: rest, read, travel, cook/bake, hang out at the pool and beach often (this has been true for the last four summers as I live only a few minutes away from it.), take a class, or have a part time job. Trust me, with this heat, I have frequented the beach and the pool to cool off. Because I am so close to the beach as well as other bodies of water, I sit and relax while reading my In Touch Devotionals. That in and of itself has become a favorite past time. While I have tried to rest and relax, I have had a bit of anxiety as to what I will be doing this year. It's been a little confusing, but that is now cleared up as I am still going to be in the classroom. With the economy like it is, I am so grateful to have a secure job that can be challenging as well as frustrating, but still secure. God is Good!! Below is another treasure that I came across a few minutes ago. Take and apply as necessary.

I give my life to you, Lord. My every need you fill;I’m resting in my faith, Lord;You saved me, and you always will.


I think the above pictures speak for themselves. While I am not a huge fan of frogs, I do like the acronoym F.R.O.G- Fully Rely On God. With society and this economy the way they are , it is necessary to rely on God.While we don't always do so fully, I think that is something we can all work on.

I know some people would probably rather that these little guys not exist,.I say carry on and stay on my porch as long as you like because your presence as well as barking (yes these guys do bark, not like a dog, but you get the idea) remind me that God is always near and I need to rely on him every day.


Yes, I'm back. It has been an incredibly busy year and too I really have not felt like blogging. There's lots to blog about as well as pictures to include, so I am slowly getting back to it. Like many of you, my blog is my online journal/ photo album/ scrapbook; so I really want to keep it up as I may have this and my past blog (Bluffton Briefings) complied into a book as a birthday gift to myself this December. I will be 40--YIKES!! Below is a post from another blogger about control. Before I go any further, we ALL say that we don't want/like having control. YES we do. 'Nuff said. Enjoy the post below.

As much as we like to think we can exert control over our lives, the truth is that the Lord has it all. We can be sitting in church worshiping with our families one moment... and the next moment be taken home to be with Jesus. So, why do we try to control every minute of our lives when instead we should be savoring every minute of our lives? Cherishing each minute as if it were the last. Heavenly Father, take away my desire for control. Pry it from my hands, oh Lord. I want you to wrestle this from me so that I can be free. I want to put my whole trust in You. Because I know that You are the true owner of my life. I just pretend that I can have a say in it. Lord, I don't need to create a false sense of security for myself here on earth. Because in You I am secure for eternity. Amen.
"I know, O LORD, that a man’s life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps. Correct me, LORD, but only in due measure." (Jeremiah 10:23-24).

Monday, February 14, 2011


My priest pointed this out during a funeral at our church this morning.

" ____________________ (person's name) knew he was going to die. He didn't know when, but he was prepared."

We're all going to die someday. We don't know when, but we will. Will we be prepared? Just food for thought.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome To......


May this year bring all of us blessings, peace, prosperity, and good health. While many of you probably have eaten or will be (whichever the case) collards, hoppinjohn's, and cornbread, I had Beef Stragonoff and sweet potatoes. Spent some time in the kitchen during the Rose Bowl Parade making some dinners for future evenings and lunches.